64. Seniority List of Jharkhand Krishi Adhinasth Seva Shashya Koti-1
63. Seniority List of Khetra Parichalak (Plant Protection) updated 13.11.2017
62. Seniority List of Khetra Parichalak (Plant Protection)
61. Seniority List of Plant Protection Kamdar
60 Prakhand Krishi Jagruti Abhiyan -2017
59 Final Gradation List of VLWs [ Directorate of Agriculture letter no. 2480, dated:14.6.2017]
58 Notification under PMFBY [ DLMC][Paddy & Maize] [ Annexure]
57 Election Commissioner Order 
56. Jharkhand Training Policy on Agriculture 

Term Sheet for Weather Based Crop Insurance Scheme during kharif, 2014


55. Notification of State Food Security Mission Executive Committee  (Revised) 
54. Seniority List of Plant Protection Officers 
53 Research-Extension Convergence Circular - Joint Sign of VC & Secretary (Agril.)
52. Final Gradation List of Village Level Workers (VLW) [1year/2year/untrained] 
51. State / District Extension Work Plan (SEWP-DEWP) - 2013
50. Supply Order for Notified Hybrid Seed (Kharif, 2013) - [PADDY]    [MAIZE]
49. Presentation held at RINPAS, Kanke during 9.4.2013
48. Details of STL/ FQCL in Jharkhand 
47 Data of Paddy Procurement of last 5 Year 
46. Rate of Agriculture Implement (List) for District 
45 Cost Decided by Directorate of Horticulture for different vegetable seeds and planting material at Nurseries/ farms
44 Agriculture Mechanization Scheme (Operational Guidelines)
43 Plan and Estimate- Construction of Office Building of Beej Gram 
42 Instruction on Kisan Credit Card letter from Secretary (Agriculture)
41. Continuation of ATMA Scheme during 2012-13
40. Area, Production & Productivity of different Crops since 2006-07

[2006-07][2007-08][2008-09][2009-10][2010-11][2011-12][2012-13][2013-14][2014-15][2015-16][2016-17] [2017-18] [2018-19] [2019-20] [2020-21]

39. Guidelines for Pani Panchayat
38. Organic Farming Promotion Programme - Implementation Guidelines (Sankalp) 
37. State Seed Distribution Policy, 2011
36. Presentation under Extension Reforms 
35. Draft Agriculture Policy for Observation / Comment if any  
34. Sankalp for operationalization of Pani Panchayat
33. Jansewak List From Directorate of Agriculture 

One Year Trained  | Two Year Trained  | Un Trained

32. BOQ for ATIC Center [Part-1 | Part-2]
31. BOQ for 100 MT Godown [Part-1 | Part-2]
30. Departmental Engineering Cell- Notification 
29 Format for Getting Assistance under Micro Irrigation
28. Letter to Dy. Commissioner for Establishment of Seed Village 
27. Addition of More District of Jharkhand Under NFSM-Rice 
26. Sri. Dipak Singh, Spl. Secretary notified as SNO under Extension Reforms 
25. Recruitment of Jansewak/ Extension Officers at District
24 CS Letter to Dy. Commissioner regarding Non-Involvement of Agriculture officers in Law and Order Duties 
23 MMKKY Guidelines (English) 
22 Implementation of Other Dept. Programme under NREGA in Convergence Mode
21 Departmental Review at Dhanbad | Dumka | Godda | Jamshedpur | Palamau
20 Recruitment of NHM Director (Jharkhand)
19. Estimate for Constriction of different structures at S.M. Farm 

All District  | Santhal Paraganas | Ranchi | Hazaribagh | Palamau

18 Paper Cutting News during Review meeting at Districts 
17. Proceeding of CS Meeting Held on 26.11.2009 ( For Seed Availability) 
16. Availability of Kisan Credit Card through Bank 
15. Bullock / Diesel operated Pump( With Photo)
14. Instruction to Officer of Agriculture Dept. during Rabi Campaign -Responsible for Each District
13. Banjar Bhumi Vikas (Soil Conservation) 
12. MMKKY Karya Yojana (2009-10)
11. Review Team Details for Each District 
10. MMKKY Guidelines Book 


Application of Model Code of Conduct -General Election to the SLA / Essential Public Services to People 


Green Fodder Distribution by BIAF during Rabi-2009


Proceeding of Agriculture Development - Chairmanship of Chief Secretary (8.10.2009)


Distribution of KCC through Banks


Supply Order of Rabi Certified Seeds 


MMKKY & Drought Management (Letter 5431, 28.5.09)


Letter to Dy. commissioner for action on drought 


Benefit from Diesel Subsidy


Disaster Mitigation