Specific Objectives

    To meet the requirement of capacity building, a large number of training activities are needed in the areas of technical as well as human resource management in Agriculture. SAMETI is a state level institution, which is autonomous with greater flexibility in structure and functioning and is responsible for organizing need based training programme for the project implementation functionaries of different line departments as well as the farming community. This can be achieved through linkage with other technical and management institutions in the state to support desired training input. SAMETI has to function under the technical guidance of the National Institute of Agricultural Extension Management. The specific Objectives are:

1. To act as Nodal Agency for organization of Management & Extension Training for officers and employees of the Department of  Agriculture,  Animal Husbandry, Horticulture, Fishery, Sericulture and other allied departments for capacity building.

2. To encourage greater extension Research Linkage through participation of Scientists from KVK and ZRS within the jurisdiction of the State.

3. To strengthen linkage between State, National & International institutions in the field of Natural Resource Management, Dry Land  Agriculture, Integrated Pest Management, Post Harvest Techniques and Crop Management.

4. To provide need based and location specific training for ATMA districts in the state.

5. To provide consultancy services in the field of Agriculture.

6. To conduct applied research in frontier areas.

7. To publish relevant agro techniques and develop audiovisuals related to success stories.

8. To organize State and National level seminar and workshops on ITD components of NATP.